What's Next?
Conversation between Jim Willison and Joni Foster about who might want to read this book: Jim Willison: What about marketing? What will...

History Lesson
If you live in Ohio, you can also purchase this book at the Pickaway County Historical and Genealogical Library at 210 North Court...

Domestic Violence
After all these years of not really knowing what the story was about, I came to learn that, at the end of the day, it was the outcome of...

Fifty Years
My foremost reason for writing this book was always to have a memorial for April 15, 2017, the fiftieth anniversary. So many times, at...

Processing the Event
When I started writing this story, I happened to listen to a podcast on grief and children. There’s a place in Utah that gives kids a...

Bigger Than Me
When I first started writing, my coach/friend (Gloria Alvarez) told me, “Write this for you. This is about you. Write the story for you...

A Memorial to My Father
I couldn’t have written this book when my mom was alive. She was a very strong willed woman and if she didn’t want me to do this, she...

Front Page of the Circleville Herald!
This story is so real for many people from Circleville, Ohio. The book has generated a lot of interest. People remember where they were...

Book Launch!
Red Raku Press is proud to announce the release of its first book: When Normal Blew Up: The Story of the People Who Died and the People...
Book Available Soon!
When Normal Blew Up: The Story of the People Who Died and the People Who Lived On will be available March 23, 2017 from Amazon.com or...